شركة العواد للإستثمارات
أسست لتكون في طليعة الشركات المتخصصة في مجال الاستثمارات و التطوير
مشاريع عقارية مبـتـكـرة بجـودة عـــالـيـة تـسـاهم في التنمية وتحقق عوائد مجزية للعملاء
قسم المتاجرة
دراسة الفرص العقارية المعروضة في السوق العقاري وشراء وبيع وتأجير العقارات والأصول العقارية
إدارة الاملاك
تسويق المشاريع وتقديم خدمات التأجير والتحصيل وجميع خدمات التشغيل والصيانة للمنشاَت
المشاريع السكنية
نهدف إلى إطلاق مشاريع عقارية متميزة من الوحدات السكنية بمختلف انواعها بغرض البيع
التطوير العقاري
نعمل على دراسة المشاريع العقارية وتطويرها والإشراف على جميع مراحل تنفيذها وتسليمها
العواد للإستثمارات

The company provides worldwide engineering,
and management for complex projects
Our compounds can help you to deliver a long service life, thanks to thermal
stability, chemical, and oil resistance — but also resistance to weathering, ozone,
and oxygen — elements that can have a costly effect on your application.
Learn more about how we can help your industry
The Sway Group is a world leader in the field of advanced polymer
compounding and engineered gaskets, seals and wheels.

Energy, oil and gas exploration
Fueling new opportunities, compounds that increase uptime in the energy sector.

Support & Maintenance
Fueling new opportunities, compounds that increase uptime in the energy sector.

Mechanical Engineering
Fueling new opportunities, compounds that increase uptime in the energy sector.
Find the latest news and headlines in the
industrial manufacturing spaces
What is structural integrity and why is it important?
Structural integrity is an engineering field that plays a fundamental part of ensuring that structures are fit to do what they are designed under normal operational conditions.
What is the engineering design process?
Structural integrity is an engineering field that plays a fundamental part of ensuring that structures are fit to do what they are designed under normal operational conditions.
What does remanufactured mean?
Structural integrity is an engineering field that plays a fundamental part of ensuring that structures are fit to do what they are designed under normal operational conditions.